Wikidata is the immensely powerful Free Knowledge database powering surprisingly many parts behind Wikipedia. You know that info box with all the relevant data when you search for Ulm in your favorite search engine? That’s powered by Wikidata. How do Siri, Alexa and Mycroft know the population numbers of all the countries? Wikidata, again. And even a list of all US presidents and how they died is just a few lines of SPARL away.
This powerful concept is known as Linked Open Data. And it brings along so many implications for the knowledge of all humankind, that one of the first events ever at Verschwörhaus in 2016 was a weekend for Wikidata enthusiasts from all over Germany.
At the end of October 2021, Wikidata has its Ninth Birthday, and on that very weekend WikiCON is scheduled as an online conference. You can take part in Day 1 of the conference from wherever you like on the 29th. But if you would like to meet other Wikidata enthusiasts, you can come watch the community track on Saturday, October 30th starting at 3 pm.
If you want to RSVP, you can do so at the event organisation page within the German-language Wikipedia!