Der Verein

The temporärhaus e.V. is a registered, non-profit association in Ulm and supports the volunteers with activities in and around the temporärhaus - such as the organization and handling of workshops and events and with sponsorships.

Do I have to be a member of the association to be active in the house or to do anything?
No, because of the support of our external sponsors we can open the temporärhaus to all people without having to rely on membership fees for rent etc.

For all things concerning the association you can reach us best at vorstand (at)


You want to join our non-profit association? Please use the application form below - or send us an email to vorstand (at) with your name, e-mail, postal address (needed for the charitable donation certificate) and a short description why you want to join and how and where you are active in the past in our group.

Usually the membership fee is 10 € per month. In case you need an adaption of the fee, please get in contact with us.

Supporting Membership

We’re happy to welcome you or your organization as a supporting member for our non-profit association. Please use the form below or send us an email to vorstand (at) with your name, e-mail and postal address (needed for the charitable donation certificate).

We recommend an amount of 10 € per month for private persons and 50 € per month for companies and organisations for the supporting membership.

Application Form

We recommend an amount of 10 € per month for private persons and 50 € per month for companies and organisations for supporting membership.

Here you can send us more information about your membership.