The renovation is progressing—and you can help us!

We’re not even getting around to posting all the numerous construction and furnishing progresses—the renovation work is progressing at lightning speed so that we can open our doors for the first public events as soon as possible. Together with Haus der Nachhaltigkeit, we are installing drywall, painting the existing walls, ensuring the greatest possible accessibility and furnishing the parts that are already ready for occupancy.

The good news is that, in addition to our know-how, we also have a lot of material that will enable us to offer you the basic, familiar program again relatively quickly. So far, we have also been able to cover a good proportion of the renovation costs from our membership fees.

Nevertheless, there are some points where you can help us—and since there have been repeated requests for how you can currently support us, we would like to list them here!

Supporting membership for long-term planning security

Three people stand/sit in front of an almost completely set-up soldering laboratory, consisting of large laboratory tables with individual workstations and lots of electronic equipment

The more members and supporters with predictable financial contributions we have, the more solidly we can plan upcoming purchases. Every single membership gives us a little more leeway and long-term independence. Only with a broad membership base can we bridge phases without external funding, for example. If you don’t want to become a sustaining member right away, a permanent donation via Betterplace is also an option—with a sustaining membership, however, your contribution ends up with us without any deductions and can be used for our offers.

Of course, memberships and sponsorships from companies and institutions are also welcome—please contact us, if you have any ideas! We are a non-profit (gemeinnützig) organization, which means that all contributions and donations are tax-deductible.

Individual donations for missing equipment

Wood workshop being set up, with workbench and unfinished sliding table saw

We also have good news about equipment and facilities: in 2021, before the dispute with the city began, we had obtained funding from the DSEE and were able to acquire a lot of equipment that now exclusively belongs to us. Nevertheless, after we were kicked out, we unfortunately had to leave behind some great equipment that we had selected and maintained, but which had been paid for by the city. In particular, a sliding table saw, a jointer and thickness planer and two band saws are now waiting for 1.5 years in the former wood workshop at the Weinhof for the reopening promised by the city. Above all, they can no longer be offered by us during our workshop hours.

We have since been able to fill some of these gaps in our range with donations in kind: We now have another laser cutter that is practically equivalent to the old one, and our friends from Haus der Nachhaltigkeit have organized a beautiful old workbench and a circular saw, both of which we are currently refurbishing 🫶

Person stands grinning and with thumbs up in front of the freshly set up makeblock laser cutter

However, we are still sorely missing some machines: a plunge saw for large wooden panels, an industrial vacuum cleaner for the workshop and a compressor, for example. For the necessary safety and fire protection requirements, we also need CO2 extinguishers for the laser cutter again and need to have the extinguishers still in the new building refurbished and brought up to code. Small items such as first aid kits and fire safety signs also cost money.


If you would like to support us, there are several ways to do so: For new purchases, we have created corresponding budgets for individual donations on Betterplace. We will cover part of these requirements with donations from our members, for whom this facility is very important, and deposit the amounts paid in this way on Betterplace. Donations in kind also help us. The expensive thing about first aid kits is not the material, but the first aid kit with wall bracket—and if you or your company would have thrown something like this out anyway, feel free to contact us!

Last but not least, we would like to thank you once again for all the support and encouragement we have already received from so many of you—even from unexpected quarters. Your support has kept us going throughout the legal dispute and motivates us to now join forces and enjoy our work to turn the former Sport-Sohn building into a great space by civil society for civil society <3